Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How To-125: "How to Stay Focused"

How to Stay Focused

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Staying focused can be very difficult. In a book titled, 'As a Man Thinketh' by James Allan, the problem is front and center. The book is short and right to the point. The author describes the process of how thoughts determine our life. We bring about what we think about.
This leads to the question on how to stay focused on results we would like to bring about, and to keep the mind right on target.


  1. Exert your willpower. It's the hardest thing in the world to stay focused, but you must force your thoughts to stop straying and return to your point.
  2. Discover a purpose to help drive you. We usually lack motivation or a purpose. Have you ever thought that a purpose is like a driving force just like fuel for a car? Without a reason that is big enough, you will hardly make it. If the purpose is big enough, then the how always takes care of itself. Failure is not even a consideration.
  3. Clarify your goal. Is it the million dollars you have in mind or is it the boat you can buy if you accomplish the goal? Work toward your stated purpose in incremental steps - boat today, a million dollars tomorrow.
  4. Repeat your "focus mantra." What you think about is what you bring about, just as explained in the book referenced earlier. Your mind is affectionately occupied with the boat. You read about it, you dream about it, you check in newspapers, you visit boat stores, and slowly but surely create enough thought energy in this pervasive thought to materialize all the things, people, opportunities and money necessary to bring the boat into your life. Along the way, you did not dream of having 1 million dollars, you dreamed of the boat as your first focused goal. The thought of the boat becomes tangible to you in an emotionally charged way that the million dollars does not yet.
  5. Be sure your desire for the purpose is strong enough. The most important question to ask before you try to achieve any goal is, Do you really have a strong desire to make it, a powerful purpose that motivates you, that magic glitter in your eyes when you think about it, the certainty to make it? If not, the effort will be futile. Just search deeper and keep looking for that which really sparks you.
  6. Don't be afraid to dream a big dream. To keep your mind focused you need big, bold goals. The bigger your purpose the less trouble you will have to achieve what you have in mind.
  7. Take a break every so often. This help you maintain focus and refresh your mind. It is recommended you take a 5 minute break every 30 minutes of work.


  • Do not make a goal out of something you do not have already as a great passion in your life. Use something that inspires you and gives you certainty and confidence. Then plan it much bigger and go for it.
  • Do not mistake envy with a desired goal. Envy makes you weak. Inspiration and passion makes you strong.

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Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Stay Focused. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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