Thursday, July 31, 2008

How to Get up from Your Bed Instantly

How to Get up from Your Bed Instantly

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Tired of getting late to work? Do you usually wake up and think "why can't I stay just 5 more minutes in bed?" and 5 minutes later you think the same thing, and this repeats itself over and over until lunchtime and you realized that you have missed your work?Do you feel like your legs don't obey to your orders?Do you see yourself as a lazy every morning?So where is the answer for your prayers, the ending of your daily suffering and morning fears?


  1. Shut down your mind. Your mind is your worse enemy, block all your thoughts. Any single thought will origin another one. i.e. "I need to get up because I need to go to work" but then you will think "but I’m so tired...resting more 5 minutes will not cause the end of the world". So don't think anything! If you're having difficulties doing this, try thinking of emptiness. (If your idea of emptiness is a "dark screen" don't think it, think white instead or think in transparency. It may seem hard or even stupid, but visualize a transparent glass in front of your eyes like a layer between your eyes and the rest of the environment you are in.) Also imagine that your cutting off your mind power source. But be careful, these techniques might make you fall asleep. Anyway...try to "Shut up" your mind.
  2. Practice. The human mind works by learning and learning requires practice, and practice is based on repeating an action over and over. Keep getting out of bed.
  3. Simulate. Turn off the light, shutdown your computer or TV or whatever (or turn it case you usually sleep with your computer turned on) Put everything like the way it is when you're going to sleep, dress yourself like you do when you're going to sleep, wear your pajama or put yourself in should be exactly dressed the way you dress to sleep. If you do a regular task before going to sleep (like brushing your teeth or something else) do it now. If you watch your favourite show before sleeping, record it...and watch it now.
  4. Set your alarm clock for a few minutes later. Close your eyes like if you're going to sleep and try to fall may be difficult. So don't try too hard, you don't need really to sleep, that's optional. When your alarm clock goes on, get up from the bed, It will be easy because you aren't tired. Try not to get up to fast but not too slow. Start moving yourself right away and don’t stop, you can take some seconds until you get up, but don't stop moving. You might prefer to sit on your bed instead of getting up right away. Now turn the alarm clock off.
  5. Stretch yourself. Stretch like you do when you get up on your normal "getting up routine" or don't if you do not usually stretch. Just do what you usually do right away after getting up. (no, you don't need to go to the bathroom, do the breakfast etc! don't even leave your room). P.S - To do not stretch yourself while you’re still in bed, if you do that on your daily "getting up routine" stop doing it. Stretch after and not during.
  6. Return to bed and to it again. Do this a few times at the different hours of the day, do 2-3 sets at each session. And do 2-4 sessions a day. Feel free to raise the number of sets per session and the number of sessions per day with the time (like if you doing a exercise. Like you do at the gym or at home or even if you don't exercise I'm sure you know what I'm talking about)


  • Do some sessions of silence meditation to help you shutdown your mind.
  • Raise the number of "getting up" sessions per day, or the number of sets of do progressively.
  • think of something to look forward to that day. it might get you up.


  • Do not stretch yourself while you’re still in bed, if you do that on your daily "getting up routine" stop doing it. Stretch AFTER and not WHILE.
  • Avoid thoughts like "I will sleep just 5 more minutes", "Go legs! move!! come on!!", "It's so cold outside and so hot and comfortable in here" Better...don't even think!

Things You'll Need

  • An alarm clock
  • A bed
  • Some time to practice.
  • Willpower
  • Patience

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Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Get up from Your Bed Instantly. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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