Saturday, July 19, 2008

How to Deal With a Drug Addicted Family Member or Loved One

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

So your mother, father or sibling uses drugs heavily and it is messing up your home life. Here are some tools to help you deal with the crisis that your loved one is bringing into the home.


  1. Love the person no matter what course of action you decide to ultimately take. They are still important to you.
  2. Look into a program like Al-anon or Alateen. Consider seeking help from a school teacher, pastor or other family member.
  3. Understand the disease that your loved one has and try to encourage them to get help.
  4. Do not give up-you may be the key to helping them beat this.
  5. Take your loved one to AA or NA meetings, if they want to go. Sometimes, talking to an alcoholic or addict that is in recovery can help you find a good course of action.
  6. Educate yourself on the disease of alcoholism and drug addiction.
  7. Consider doing an intervention with help from a professional interventionist.
  8. Stay the course and pray.


  • Sometimes the person you are trying to help will refuse help. Stay diligent.


  • If the behavior has gotten out of control, you need to leave the person alone or tell them to leave. This is called tough love. The drugs and alcohol can destroy all involved.
  • And don't forget to abstain from drugs yourself or else you are no better than your family member. and you know they won't want you to do drugs, either.

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