Tuesday, June 10, 2008

How To-48: How to Pack for Your Overnight School Trip

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Going on a school trip? It's no problem. Unless it's overnight. Then you have to pack P.J.'s, clothes,hair products... it can get confusing. Read on to find out what to bring.


  1. Always make sure to check with teachers if it's okay to bring your Ipod,MP3,cell phone etc. You don't want it taken away.
  2. A few days before look at the weather forcast for the days your trip is on. If the weather is rainy, you'll need to bring a poncho, some rubber boots & some old clothes that it doesn't matter if they get muddy or wet. If it's sunny, be sure to bring sunglasses, sunscreen and lots of shorts and t-shirts. Also, always bring sweaters and long pants. (perferably not jeans) You never know when it might get cold out side. Bring a pair of good sneakers. And for pyjamas, bring some long pants and a few t-shirts. And always bring at least 2 extra paires of socks and 3 extra paires of underwear.
  3. For make-up, hair products, toiletries etc. bring them in a plastic bag. That way nothing will leake out all over the rest of your luggage. Pack one bottle of shampoo, conditioner if you'd like, a minimal amount of make-up, female sanitation products (even if you havn't started, just in case), a hair dryer if your allowed, hair brush, tooth brush, tooth paste & whatever else you use to get ready.
  4. For the trip there, if your allowed to use electronics, listen to your Ipod,MP3, play your Game Boy or whatever you brought. Also talk to friends. Play little games. Also if you want to make a carry on bag, it should include a pillow, games, Ipod, MP3 etc.


  • See if there is a packing list available. It will make packing less of a stress.
  • Charge all electronicis before the trip. There's nothing worse then watching everyone listen to their Ipods while your battery is dead. And bring the charger with you.


  • Don't bring things you're not allowed to. You'll get caught and that will be no fun.

Things You'll Need

  • Back pack.
  • Clothing for each type of weather. It might change while you're there.
  • Suitcase.
  • Plastic bag with toiletries in it.

Related wikiHows

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