Thursday, June 19, 2008

How to Improve Your Reading Skills

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Many people have trouble with reading. Reading is a process of the brain where you look at symbols on a page, and your mind sees the patterns of characters and understands the meaning in them. Here are a few steps and tips to get started.


  1. Find some easy reading material. Find a children's book or a newspaper article.
  2. Sound out each letter as best you can and you will notice they form some sort of word. Some letters fit together. For example, "th" is not pronounced as t + h, but rather as one unit. This is called a 'phoneme'.
  3. Find a place to read where you can concentrate. This may be someplace secret where no one will bother you, or simply your home at a time when it is quiet.
  4. Begin your reading by looking at the pictures, or listening to the music to get a feel for what you are going to be reading about.
  5. Start with titles, names, or other large print items that you may know.
  6. Read as much as you are able. When you start getting bored or need a break, take one. Reading should be fun and enjoyable, don't force it. After your break, return to where you were, and continue.
  7. Reread the material. It is okay to reread something if you do not understand it fully the first time.


  • Standing works better for some people. Some read while walking on a treadmill or a track, exercising both the body and mind!
  • While most people disagree with this, most things you need to know are in books. Therefore it is wise when you are comfortable reading general material to increase your reading speed as soon as possible. A good guide to this is Wade E. Cutler's Triple Your Reading Speed.
  • Use a spreadsheet creatively. ( spreadsheets and not word processors) Engage in a lively dialog, spend time making sure that you get the gist, make it entertaining.
  • Remember that you should read at your own pace.


  • Sitting in one position for a long time can make you sleepy or even injured. Make sure you stretch before and during reading to keep awake and comfortable.
  • Reading in the dark can be potentially damaging to one's eyesight, so ensure that you have sufficient lighting before reading.

Things You'll Need

  • Reading material: book, magazine, song lyrics, newspaper, etc. Try to pick something interesting, otherwise you will most likely be using your reading material for a pillow.
  • Table or other place to put your reading material. This could also be your lap.
  • Comfortable place to sit. Find a quiet place without distraction.

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Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Improve Your Reading Skills. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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