Friday, May 30, 2008

How To-32: How to Impress Your Students

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Sometimes, teachers can't always get the students on their side. And, as a result, the students tend to think that their teacher isn't very communicative. Every child loves a teacher that is willing to open up their feelings to them, and tell them about their lifestyle.


  1. Find a story that is very funny or interesting. It is probably best to tell when your students are quiet and hard at work. They need a time off.
  2. Act relaxed and add a dramatic pause, as if waiting for something. This causes suspense and has a feeling of specialness. It also makes the students interested,
  3. Look around the room, and then tell your story. If you please, add some exaggeration.
  4. Pause every once in a while, and make sure this story is happy. Sometimes, if the time is right, you might want to add a little tension, or suspense.
  5. End your story with a good laugh.


  • Try to assign something related to your story, and act as if you just remembered your story.
  • You want to usually want to tell something funny.


  • Make sure that your stories do not offend yourself or anyone else. It is OK if you do not know the person and you make fun of them.

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