Friday, October 12, 2007

Efficient Reading and Critical Reading

What is efficient reading? Reading a text with full comprehension within the time limit and being able to reproduce the content of the text either orally or in writing is efficient reading.

It is good to have a clear reason for reading. Before you decide to read a text you should ask yourself a set of questions: Why do I want to read a particular text? What is the purpose? What am I going to get out of it? In what way will the text be useful to me? Am I reading it just for pleasure or for information or for examination? After deciding what your purpose is, you should choose an appropriate strategy.

What is skimming? We read some texts just to get the main idea. Using a quick survey of the text to get the gist is called skimming. When skimming you should try to read groups of words, not one word at a time; concentrate on finding the main ideas and consciously ignore details; read the introductory and concluding paragraphs in detail; read other paragraphs in order to find the main idea.

What is scanning? Reading for specific pieces of information is called scanning.

What is critical reading? A critical reader interacts with the text and asks the following questions: What is the text about? What does the author try to say? Is the author objective? What impact will it have on the reader? What is the aim of the author? Can you agree or disagree with the author? Are there emotional words? Is there any ambiguity? Is there a clear separation between facts and interpretation? Is the argument logical? What are the main points that the writer want to make? What is the attitude of the writer? What is the tone of the whole article?

Excerpt from 'Reading Efficiently' by Albert P.Rayan, The New Indian Express, Madurai, Oct.12, 2007

Further study:

(Critical reading means that a reader applies certain processes, models, questions, and theories that result in enhanced clarity and comprehension. There is more involved, both in effort and understanding....)

1 comment:

RAYDEAL said...

The email id of Albert P'Rayan is and not